Can A King Kill A King In Chess

by Satish
Hi friend,
my friend and me were playing chess. I (white) have given a check to my friend with the rook (white). The rook is protected by a pawn.

Can A King Kill A King In Chess Game

Simply move the king away. Block the check, or place a piece in between the king and the opponent's attacking piece. Capture the piece that's checking the king. All of these cases are dependent on the fact that immediately after you make your move, the king is not in check. The King is the most important piece in the game - you must protect yours at all costs, while at the same time breaking down your opponent's defences to kill his King. The King moves only onesquare at a time in any of the eight directions that a Queen can move. This means there is no legal way for one King to capture another, KxK is a move that can never occur within a game of chess. However, the implication is that a King cannot move into check because it would be captured, and the game ends with checkmate because capture is imminent. The king is less powerful than almost every chess piece, but it is also unique: the king is the only piece that can never be captured! If a king is attacked, it is in 'check.' At the beginning of the game, the white king starts on the e1 square, and the black king starts on e8. The king can definitely capture the queen in chess, though it is not easy. While the king may not be able to move very far in any direction as the queen can, it can certainly take a piece of any nature in any of those directions as long as he doesn't put himself in check.

If I move the g-pawn then it is check from opponents rook to me.
My friend killed my rook and saying that you cannot kill my king because it is again check to you.
This scenario I show in attached picture.

Is it right?
1) Can black king kill the white rook in this situation?
2) Is this a draw or win? Who is the winner?

Can A King Kill A King In Chess

plz give me the answer?

Hi Satish,
the answer is simple.

A king can’t capture a piece that is protected.


In this position the black king can’t capture the rook because the white rook is protected by the g-pawn. That’s it!

White is the winner because Black is checkmate.

I hope this helps.

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Chess Can King Kill Queen

Subsequently, question is, can a pawn kill a king in chess? - Quora. If you are asking about the rules of chess, NO piece can take the king, and a king cannot deliberately walk into a position where an opponent's piece can capture him. With common sense, if chess is a war, the objective should be to capture the opponent's king.

Can A King Kill A King In Chess Game

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