Odds Of Winning The National Lottery Uk


The way the UK lottery works is that you have a card with the numbers 1-59 marked on it and you have to choose any six of them. What we need to work out is how many different ways you can choose 6 numbers out of the 59 available.

In maths we say 'how many different combinations of 6 can we choose from a total of 59' and we write it with the numbers next to a big letter 'C' as you can see in the diagram. To work it out you fill the numbers into the formula. (You can find out exactly where this groovy looking formula comes from in Do You Feel Lucky?)

To use the formula you need to know that the '!' sign is called a 'factorial' which means you need to multiply the number by every smaller number down to 1. So for example 5! = 5x4x3x2x1 = 120. (Some calculators have a ! button on them.) If we wrote the top line of this formula out in full we'd get 59x58x57x56.... right down to ...4x3x2x1. The bottom line is 6x5x4x3x2x1 x 53x52x51x50...etc down to ...4x3x2x1.

Odds Of Winning The National Lottery Uk

A self-franchised national lottery in the United Kingdom, the UK Lottery is world-famous for producing jackpots and payouts tax-free. The funding of prizes works and are distributed differently than other lottery prizes as a total 50% of the money spent on the games goes to the prize fund. The odds for winning any prize stand at 1 in 108, and it is for this reason that it stands out as being the easiest lottery to win a jackpot of for the least ticket money on average. Keep in mind though, that The Health Lottery has the smallest overall jackpot of £25,000 or 10% of ticket sales.

It all seems awful but DON'T PANIC! The fun part is that monstrous sums like these cancel themselves to bits and you can actually rip though them really quickly. This one produces the answer that there are 45,057,474 combinations in total, and only ONE of them will win you the jackpot. So your chances of winning the jackpot are 1 in 45,057,474.


Now you've understood all this, let's get back to the top


Probability Of Winning The Uk National Lottery