What's The Bet
Just read on as we clarify the confusion associated with thevalue betting strategy, and know why value betting should be your best bettingtechnique.
What’s the best strategy to Value Bet? Just read on as we clarify the confusion associated with the value betting strategy, and know why value betting. Literally it means that the bookie cancels the bet, deems the bet void and refunds everyone their money back. Then what's the appropriate idiom if I.
What's happing in the betting world?Bet companies change odds when something changes as you know. You know why;) Track changing and dropping odds then bet!What you can do with.
Let’s put you in a strictly theoretical situation- picturedthat
You are in€55Euro competition, with Ks-Jd on
It is folded around to you. You increase to 2.5 big blinds.The small blind folds. The big blind calls.
It is early in the poker competition, so you both have 80big blinds to begin the hand.
The board comes Kc-8d-7d.
Your challenger checks to you. You bet 3.5 big blinds. Hecalls.
The turn is a 2c. Villain checks to you.
What do you do at this stage?
Let’s say you bet once more. 6.5 big blinds.
Your opponent calls.
The river is the 2d. Villain checks to you.
Do you fire again at this point?
Think wisely. What would you generally do in this situation?Be honest with yourself.
The correct answer is you should bet again. You can bet upto half the pot without most people paying attention.

Think wisely, how would you react in this kind of situation?Be truthful to yourself
The right answer is that you should bet once more. You canbet as much as half the pot with most people not paying attention.
Yes you got a flush draw, but you have a diamond in yourhand. That effectively neutralizes many flush draws combined.
Moreover, even if your challenger calls with close to any 2suitable cards from the big blind, what that mean is that they have a flushjust 30% of the time. You can make use pker calculators like Flopzilla to learnthese numbers.
So they don’t have aflush 70% of the time, and due to removal of cards and the fact that a lot offlush draws fold the turn, it almost 80% of the time,
8 out of 10 times, we are not confronting a flush
So what dothey have on those 8 occasions?
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In General, pairs is the simplest hand to deal in no limithold them. Combining with one of the board cards
For instance, a pocket pair of sixes on this board wouldmean six combinations. There are only six ways to make pocket sixes given allthe suits. But, if you think your challenger plays A-8o, K-8o, Q-8o, J-8o,T-8o, 9-8o, 8-6o, and their suitable matching part, then your challenger has 72combinations when it comes to a pair of 8s!
When you continuation bet on any matched board and yourchallenger calls, you begin to make some assumptions.
Players generally fold their cards to a continuation bet,therefore you are aware your challenger has a pair at least.
It is difficult for your challenger to have a comb pocketpair, therefore if a pair is in their possession it probably matches one of thecards on the board.
It is hard for your challenger to possess more than onepair, 8s and 7s on this board, for example, would be nine combinations, if wethink our opponent is calling with 8-7o and 8-7s preflop.
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Moreover, when our challenger flats us on a flop with a flush draw, it becomes more unlikely they have a solid hand. Most players are frightened of a flush defeating their strong hand and making them to lose many chips with an excellent second-best hand. Therefore, they quickly play their two pair and set combinations.
So in summary, our opponent has 72 combinations of 8-X and 9combinations of 8-7, but we can’t even count all the 8-7 combinations!
At last our opponent might have flush draws, but that’s nota lot combinations either.

“I’m concerned about the ace high flush draws!” majority ofmy students tell me. “A-3s, A-4s, A-5s, A-6s, A-9s, A-Ts, A-Js, I think he’scalling preflop with all of these! That’s a lot of hands!”
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You’re right. That is a number of hands…
…however it’s only a small combinations.
There is only one way to make A-3 of diamonds. One. So,that’s only one combo.
All those hands you listed, that’s seven combinations.
Pardon me for getting into the fundamentals of combinationcounting, but I wish somebody taught me this long ago.